About Us
Chair's Message
Welcome to the official website for Towns County Democrats. We are here to serve your needs, provide information and assist you in whatever way we can. Please feel free to browse about our web home and make it your own. Participation in our activities is welcomed as are your suggestions or comments. You may also join our Facebook group or sign up for our email list. All correspondence may be sent to townscountydemocrats@gmail.com. Thank you for stopping by and visit us often for the latest in Democratic community news, happenings and events

David Plunkett
Mission Statement
To put forth the democratic ideals of fairness and justice for all regardless of race, creed, color, sexual orientation, religion or country of origin.
To empower Democratic officials and candidates with steadfast support, backing and direction.
To enable the Democratic community to achieve its full potential and see its needs, desires and aspirations fully realized.
To be a cornerstone foundation block at large for the Towns County community.
Our Values
As Democrats We Work for Freedom, Opportunity, and Security for All Americans
A strong and diverse economy that prioritizes investment in infrastructure and job growth
Equal access to quality public education, including K-12 public education, career and technical education, community colleges and universities.
Protecting Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid
Ensuring vulnerable children and families have the resources they need
Removing obstacles to voting and supporting free and fair elections
Eliminating discrimination of any kind and promoting ethnic, racial, cultural, gender, age, religious, disability, family status, sexual orientation, and socio-economic diversity
Access to affordable health care for all people regardless of employment, age, or health condition
Protecting women's rights to reproductive healthcare
A livable minimum wage and equal pay for equal work
Protecting our environment, water resources, and planet for future generations